Student Attendance

Absence Line

A Student Absence Line for each sub-school (Junior, Middle or Senior School) is available for parents/guardians to ring (9735 5644) and record their child’s absence each day.

If a student is absent, even for part of a day, a note, signed by a parent, guardian or a medical certificate is required.  This is to be given to the student’s Home Group teacher upon return to school.

The school should be advised if a student is expected to be absent for more than two days.  It is the responsbility of the student to check on and complete all work missing during absences. If a student is to be absent for any extended period of time, the parent or guardian should notify the Home Group teacher and supply a routine note on return to school.


Students are expected to regularly attend school as per Education Department policy.  There is a direct link between students’ school attendance and their level of school achievement.  Parents and Guardians are asked to ensure their son/daughter attends every school day.  The school is required to monitor student attendance including receiving explanation from parents/guardians for student absence and lateness.  Year Level Co-ordination team members and Form Teachers will be in contact to follow up approved and unapproved absences and any overall attendance concerns.

Bell Times

To view our bell times please visit our Bell Times page here.

Early Leavers Pass

If it is necessary for a student to leave before the end of a school day, a signed note written by a parent or guardian must be given to the Year Level Office Assistants prior to recess who will issue an Early Leavers Pass.

Late to school

Students are expected to be punctual for the start of school (8.40am Form Assembly) and for each lesson.  A student who is late for school must sign the latecomers’ book in the Junior, Middle or Senior School Office and provide a satisfactory written note of explanantion signed by a parent or guardian to the Year Level Office Assistant.  A lunchtime detention will be given if such a note is not provided.

Pertsistent lateness will be recorded in a student’s file and in reports or references and parents/guardians may have to attend an interview.

Leaving the school grounds

Students are not permitted to leave the grounds during school hours without prior approval from their Year Level Co-ordinator or an Assistant Principal.  Students require a signed note which may be authenticated by contacting their parent/guardian.

Students Exiting Lilydale High School

Before a student is allowed to leave school they must satisfactorily complete Year 10 and until the age of 17, they must be in some form of full time training or employment.

Training options can include:

  • VCE
  • VCAL
  • Full Time TAFE
  • Apprenticeship

Any students wishing to leave school before these requirements are met must put in a request for exemption to the Regional Director in consultation with Lilydale High School.

All students leaving school before the end of Year 12 are required to fill in an exit form available from the School Offce and complete a Careers or MIPs appointment.

In the case of transfer to another school, the new school and address should be indicated on the exit form.

If you would like some advice on career pathways or training options please book an appointment with the Careers Office on 9735 5644.